Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The music within us

The secrets of the harp are far simpler than certain people imagine, and its possibilities are never-ending for those who have faith.”   Tournier, “The Harp” p. 93

On three separate occasions I have taken piano lessons.  Each experience had the same ending --- utter and complete disaster.  There appeared to be some mental block on my part with learning the notes, positioning my fingers and making it all flow. 
Several months ago I was speaking with a woman who plays the Harp and here we are now with lessons once a week and renting a Harpsicle Harp (yes, I have my very own Harp at my house).      

My teacher is patient and wise.  She gave me an article to read, “Adorning the Air with Mistakes” by Mary DeMocker.  The article knew who I was --- “I played this perfectly – I mean really perfectly- right here, just before you came in.”  That is so me! 
After reading the article I sat down to play with” complete, openhearted receptiveness, and with the ears of the girl who first heard a harp” as the article suggested.  What a difference - it was almost smooth. 
Thank goodness for an insightful teacher (thank you Cindy)  who recognizes there truly is a young girl in there yearning to discover and embrace her musical ability. 
Do you embrace your musical self? What do you love about the instrument that you play?

and tears are heard within the harp I touch 


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