Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Apple Pie

This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!”
                                     Julia Child, My Life in France

True fall weather today -- perfect for baking an apple pie.  Last weekend I volunteered to make two apple pies.  Having never made a successful pie crust this was going to be a challenge.  To my amazement the pies actually turned out quite well. With a success under my belt I ventured making an apple pie for my husband.   
New knowledge for me -- adding vinegar to the dough will guarantee flakiness.    
ingredients for crust - flour,cornstarch, sugar, salt, egg, vinegar, cold water
core, peel and slice apples, add lemon juice, brown sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt

once pie is assembled brush top crust with an egg/water mixture

Fall Apple Pie


Truth be told – cooking makes me nervous and stresses me out.  There are some who can look once at a recipe and make amazing dinners.  I look at a recipe and have to read it six times.   My safe list of things to make is short but reliable.  I long to be that woman who looks at a recipe and can add here and take away there and create a masterpiece. 
This past year my safe list of things to make was expanded. There is a feeling of accomplishment and joy when a new dish you are making actually looks and tastes not so bad. 
However, this past weekend I made a cake for a friend as a house warming gift and the cake got stuck in the pan and would not come out – after several attempts and a broken plate in the process the entire mess went in the trash.    I made a roast in the oven and the gravy dried up in the pan.  Oh well, we all have those cooking mishaps but are you supposed to have two in the same weekend?

What is your favorite pie? 





  1. I haven't yet heard about the vinegar tip. Thanks for sharing! About how much do you add to your pie crust?

    I'm crazy about homemade cream pies - particularly chocolate cream. That's simply because they're easy to make, easy to clean up after, and only take about 15 minutes of cook time. The problem is the 24 hour wait before eatting them!

    1. Chocolate Cream sounds divine and 24 hours is way too long of a wait. Here is the info for the pie crust - 3 cups of flour, 3T cornstarch, 1T sugar, 1/2 t salt, 1.5 cups shortening, mix up and then add 1 egg, 1T vinegar and 1/4 cup cold water. I just had a piece of the Apple Pie and the crust is very flaky.

  2. I was nervous to make my very first pie crust, and still haven't figured it out. I will definitely be trying the vinegar trick.
