Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Melanoma and Floppy Hats

When the doctor calls and leaves a message for you to call back it cannot be good.........

Having light colored hair and complexion, freckles, and blue eyes, sunbathing in your youth and using oil (soooo stupid...)  is a bad combination for skin cancer.  In 2009 a mole was removed because it looked suspicious and all was great until 2012 when the mole decided it just could not stay away and wanted to return to a happy home.  So, once again the mole was removed, but this time those nasty little cells decided to mutate and become Melanoma.   The first thing the nurse said is, "Do NOT look this up on the internet."  Really - isn't that what we do - research like crazy and what a plethora of information there is on the internet.  Okay, bad decision.....

The good news is that is was Stage 0.  This basically means the nasty cells were on the surface of the skin and did not penetrate into the lower layers where it then spreads. 

After crying for three days (because having cancer once is bad enough but two times is absolutely ridiculous and totally unacceptable) it all seemed better.  My very best friend (on her own and without my knowledge) researched tons of websites and put together a Cliff Notes version of  Stage 0 Melanoma.  Seriously, who does that???  God sends Angels exactly when we need them and the true blessing is that it was caught in the early stages and they were able to get a clean cut around the mole.

Three weeks later ---  I am wearing sunscreen everyday, sunglasses, a floppy hat, long-sleeved shirts, and having check-ups every three months. 

Today at 2:00 a.m. ---- At twilight, where dreams first dwell, I rememberd a scripture Psalms 27:14.  "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart:  Wait, I say on the Lord." 

He is ever mindful of us --and knows us, remembers us, and comforts us

A little help now and then is not so bad 

To floppy hats and clean health I bid you good day


  1. I'm sorry to hear you had an experience with melanoma. I am glad to hear that it was discovered early and immediately addressed.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your experience and do appreciate your sharing the experience via such a beautifully written post. Hope you are doing better. Please keeping writing and posting your thoughts.

  3. Glad it worked out (I got behind and read this after your update later on).
