Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Red Beet Eggs- A Pennsylvania Dutch Favorite

If you have never tried Red Beet Eggs here is your chance.  This was a childhood favorite and there was always a jar in the refrigerator with these eggs.  It definitely is popular among the Pennsylvania Dutch as we discovered while visiting Lancaster this past summer.  I must have eaten at least two dozen on our trip.  So Yummy!
The Recipe -
1 (15 oz) can of red beets
1 onion thinly sliced (I did not use the onion because we do not eat onions - I know kind of sad right- no one likes them in my house so no need for us)
12 hard cooked eggs (shelled and left whole)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar (I used white vinegar)
Drain liquid from the can of  beets into a saucepan.  Place onion, beets, and eggs into a container.  Pour sugar and vinegar into the saucepan with the beet juice and stir; bring mixture to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer on low for 15 minutes.(you will need to burn a candle after this - house smells like vinegar). Pour the beet juice mixture over the beets, eggs, and onions.  Seal the bowl and refrigerate.  Refrigerate for at least one-three days; the longer they are allowed to sit the better and the deeper the color.  The pictures below are from one day.  These are great for salads and look really nice on a plate.


a dozen may seem like alot but believe me you will definitely wish you made more
The eggs soak in the color from the beets and vinegar

Ready for a salad - these are so good

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