Thursday, May 2, 2013

A yearning for more...

 No pictures, no crafts--- just a simple reflection today while the winds blow and the chimes sing in the background.
Napping is foreign to me and has been for years.  What I would give to actually take a nap (an insomniac cannot nap)!  But today after another restless night a weary mind and body had to at least try.  Though sleep never came there was some rest gained.  The gusty winds brought me back from what should have been sleep ….and I began to think of my children, life, struggles and a conversation had earlier with friends. 
It takes great courage and strength to be more than what you currently are.  For some it is easy to attain what they have always dreamed of and for others it is the journey of a lifetime with a path that is rough and filled with much delay.  
They (my oldest children) are each uniquely different and yet such an inspiration to me.  There is one who I never thought would make it to manhood and he has overcome such odds.  He does not recognize it but he stood face to face and reached within the depth of his soul to stare a “devil” in the face of much adversity and overcome what most have never dreamed of and long for.   Another who again does not recognize his courage has reached within himself and faces his demons every day.  There are days he wins and days where it beats him down.  To them both – they have such a determination to keep going and a longing within them for something better. 
She has always succeeded in everything she attempts.  From an observer it appears to come with such little effort.  But she will tell you it has been hard work and perseverance.   Her life has been one filled with adventure and many blessings and a recognition that the Lord has been with her in every step of the way.  
When she was in middle school she would play this game with her friends---Out the door she would come walking like a model and pretend as though the cameras were flashing and people were calling her name ….. It was hysterical… she has never settled… always searching for a new adventure… always trying new things ….and always listening to the voice that guides and directs her. 
As I write this I see how they have each inspired me to be more than I am, more than I have ever wanted to be, and more than I thought I could ever be.   Through their determination, strength, perseverance, and courage I have found a renewed outlook, an awakening within, and a fresh perspective on dreams I thought were dead, non-existent, and unattainable.  
But isn’t it so that within each of us,  is that need to keep going, to never give up, and to see the best in everything, and believe that at the end of the rainbow is something  special just for us.  If only for a moment or a second – that is all we need to keep going. 
To my oldest three - who would have thought that you would become the teacher and I the student. 

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