Thursday, September 20, 2012

Little Deli

Nestled in the heart of Crestview is a nostalgic shopping center (built in 1952).  As you turn into the parking lot you feel as though time has stopped and peace surrounds you.    There are small merchant stores, picnic tables, a gazebo, and in the evening white twinkling lights hang from the trees. The atmosphere is charming and worth a visit if you have never ventured to this part of town. 

 In the corner is “Little Deli” offering sandwiches, soups, pizza, salads and more.    My absolute favorite item on the menu is the turkey/mozzarella on rye with tapenade and without a doubt the most scrumptious Chocolate Colossal Cake.   It is the ultimate chocolate experience and provides you with the perfect bite.

Whenever I eat this cake I am reminded of the Barbara Streisand Movie “The Mirror has Two Faces” where she created the perfect bite every time she sat down to eat.  As each morsel of this cake is eaten and relished you can almost hear Puccini – Nessun Dorma sung by Pavarotti - (noted as the apology/Nessun Dorma on the soundtrack). 
Turkey/Mozzarella/Colossal Cake
 Who can resist a little help now and then while devouring Chocolate Colossal Cake from Little Deli.  Visit your local and favorite place to eat today and enjoy. 

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