Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Conclusion of Melanoma and Floppy Hats. Small talk with Sarah

On October 2nd I wrote a post on Melanoma and Floppy Hats.  Yesterday the stiches were removed  from the more extensive procedure of taking a 0.5 cm margin of normal skin surrounding the lesion.  The pathology report came back and all looks wonderful.  Thank you to everyone who sent me emails and words of support.    Apparently, this is more common than I had thought.  So many of you shared similar experiences and I found comfort in knowing that I was not alone. That which we are in need of and seeking will find a way to us.  Thank you for finding me. 

 On a lighter note --- Small talk with Sarah……..

Sarah:  Do you like ice-skating?

Me:  Oh yes, I loved to ice-skate. We would ice-skate every day after school as often as we could. 

Sarah:  Do you like roller-skating?

Me:  Not as much.  I would like to do some of those things with you

Sarah:  you are special, mama

Me:  looking at her inquisitively

Long Pause

Sarah:  You are unique

Me:  Yes, Sarah, I am

"What shape would the world be in today if everyone settled for being average?" --Lucy van Pelt


1 comment:

  1. I had Malignant melanoma removed in '85. It was very serious, some thought it would be fatal later in life. No recurrance luckily. dlong
