Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Falling off a swing written by Sarah who is 7

Sarah my daughter wanted to post something on the blog and drew pictures for her story.  This is an unedited version of her story of why you should not fall off the swing.  If you happen to stop by today --- she would be tickled pink if you left her a comment about her story.

Why not to fall off a swing by Sarah ......

This is about why you   should not fall   off of the swing.  Oh  and   by   the  way   Dawns  doter  is   writing  this .Do  not  fall  off   of   the   swing  because   it  hurts.   I   got   a   groing   stran   it   does  hurt   and   it   can   keep   you   from   dance.     It   hurts to run   sometimes   it   can really   hurt    when I’m doing nothing.   I   put an   ice pack on my leg.  Oh   and   sometimes it   hurts   to   walk.  Ibprofen is the pill that I take.  So  that is why you should not fall off a swing.

Have you ever fallen off a swing?

drawing by Sarah



  1. Love the drawings, Sarah! Sorry you hurt your leg... I hope it feels better soon. But don't be afraid to get back on the swing! Sometimes you fall off, but that doesn't mean playing on the swings isn't fun most of the time :)

  2. I do not remember when I fell off a swing last, but I do remember I would get scrapped knees when I was little. Perhaps one of those injuries came from falling of a swing.

    How do you prevent falling off a swing?

  3. I love your story. The drawings are so good. Im sorry your leg hurts I hope it feels better soon. Dont be afraid to keep trying new things and keep swinging nothing is better than swinging. I love you.

  4. Sarah, I can't believe you are old enough to write - and write so well! I feel like I might cry, not because I fell off a swing but because I feel so proud of you.

  5. We really miss you. We drove by your street the other day and she remembered you.
