Monday, October 1, 2012

October Giveaway $25 Barnes & Noble Giftcard - Favorite Book

To be eligible:  Leave a comment on the blog to this question

What is your favorite book and Why?  The best answer wins the gift card.  Winner announced on Monday, October 8th. 

Books should transport us to enchanting places we have never been, take us to worlds where imaginations run freely, touch your heart, bring about action, change, and reflection, allow laughter to our souls, teach us of who we are, who we can be, and place within us dreams to yet be fulfilled. 

When selecting a book it is the cover that determines the purchase for me and tells me that this will be a good book.  This process has yet to let me down. 
For summer reading (for the 2nd grader) we selected a book solely by the cover and found an absolutely delightful story of the Penderwick Family by Jeanne Birdsall   – A summer tale of four sisters, two rabbits and a very interesting boy.  The Penderwick Sisters - Rosalind, Batty, Jane, and Skye take you on their summer adventures, courageous acts, matters of the heart and what is it to be young again.  A remarkable book to read with your children or grandchildren.   
Check out Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole – also a great book to read as a family. 
Then make a pretty bookmark with a jumbo paper clip and tie ribbons on the end.  Enjoy!



  1. My fave book is "To Kill a Mockingbird". The first time I read it I was in middle school, not interested in reading "Required reading" (I loveddddd to read and hated the idea I was being forced to read something) and bought the Cliff Notes so I wouldn't have to deal with reading the whole book. I got through the synopsis of the first chapter and instantly knew I had to read it. The beautiful concept that you should never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes still strikes me today. What a powerful book!
    Alaine Elise- family74014 at gmail dot com

    1. AubreyLaine - Congratulations on winning the October $25.00 Giveaway. Thank you for leaving your comment. This book is truly a classic.
