Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Longing for Fall and The November $25 Giveaway

It was November the months of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea,  passionate wind-songs in the pines.    L.M. Montgomery

It is November 8th and while many are bundled in front of fires and listening to the hush of the fallen snow--- here it is 74 degrees and my flower garden is alive with the flutter of butterflies.  The wind is blowing, the chimes sing softly, the leaves rustle and a few trees burst with red and orange ---but it does not feel like fall --- for it is too warm for sweaters and the air conditioner blows a steady breeze in the house.  The sprinklers water the grass in need of a long rain and summer flowers are still in bloom.   But fall and Thanksgiving are upon us none the less.  Today a fresh baked pumpkin cake fills the house with the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg, a candle of apple/cinnamon burns softly and decorations added to the fireplace, mantel and table add a touch of fall to at least the inside. 
Table Decorations


A touch of Fall on the Mantel


Scarecrow Buddies

November Giveaway – Indulge yourself with a $25 gift card from Amazon and add a touch of fall to your home.      To Enter – What do you like the most about Fall?

How to Enter

1.     Send me an email at

2.    Leave your answer on facebook

3.    Leave a comment on the blog (if you select anonymous leave your initials)
Random Drawing and winner announced the day after Thanksgiving


  1. Without question, my favorite part of fall is pumpkin pie. I once tried to make it in July because I love it, but it just doesn't taste the same in the summer than it does in the Fall.

  2. My favorite thing about fall in Texas is being able to turn the air conditioner off and open the windows for some fresh air. I think we are finally there. ;)

  3. My favorite thing about fall is stepping in the crunchy leaves. I love the sound they make :)

  4. What i like best about fall is that it's not too hot outside--but not cold yet. Perfect weather for being outside with the kids.

    The kids responses were:
    1. Leaves changing color
    2. Halloween (dressing up and lots of CANDY)
    3. Pumpkin cake
