Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Acorn Treats

Saw this on Pinterest and had to try it.   But - there were no instructions and I am a person that needs instructions.  Here is my attempt to copy this.  It was actually pretty easy but time consuming. 

What you need:
  • Peanut Butter or Nutella or Frosting
  • Hershey Kisses
  • Nutter Butter Bites
  • Semi-sweet chips (I used peanut butter and chocolate chips)  
What do do:
  • Unwrap Hershey Kisse
  • Spread Peanut Butter, Nutella or Frosting on the Hershey Kiss
  • Attach one Nutter Butter Bite
  • Spread Peanut Butter, Nutella, or Frosting on the Semi-Sweet Chip
  • Enjoy
Made some using Peanut Butter and some using Wilton Cookie Frosting that hardens in about an hour.  The Peanut Butter was very messy and the acorn treats made with peanut butter do not transport well.  The Wilton Fosting worked like a charm except that white frosting on acorn treats does not look realistic.  My friend Heather suggested using Nutella.  Tomorrow I am making these for a Brownie Troop meeting and will use Nutella.  Thanks Heather for the suggestion.

These treats are very sweet -- I wonder if there is a diet version?

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